Luck of the Irish...

St. Patrick's Day weekend and some great racing in the new kits.  At the Chuckanut 50km, Kayla Campasino places 9th and Ben Mangrum finished 17th over the muddy, hilly Bellingham course.  In Steilacoom, Nicole O'Loughlin and Brien O'Loughlin win the women's and men's division, with Mary Hatcher winning the masters' womens at the Shamrock 5km.  This morning in Portland, Oregon, Francis Stick Reynolds remained upright during the 15km to place 4th.  We had to peel him off of the pavement during the warm-up due to a vengeful zipper.  In all it was a great weekend of racing in the new Tacoma City Running Club - Team JoeFroyo racing kits.  @joefroyo